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MoonPig Coin (MOONPIG)

Fair Launch

This pool is hosted on GemPad.

If you wish to contribute to the presale, see this information on GemPad, or are experiencing any difficulties then head over to the presale directly.

As always, do your own research and happy hunting!

$MOONPIG - the Pig Astronaut that's about to take the crypto world by storm with its lovable astronaut leader - Chris P Bacon, Learn 2 Earn utility #L2E, and an unstoppable marketing strategy! πŸš€πŸ½πŸŒ• πŸš€πŸŒ•Our mission is to make MOONPIG the hottest new crypto token out there, and we're putting all of our resources behind a strong marketing campaign that will leave other coins in the dust! πŸ”₯ Our super deflationary tokenomics feature a 3% burn rate on every buy and sell transaction, meaning that the supply of our token will decrease as we grow, driving up the value of your investment over time. πŸ”₯ 🀝🏽The team have already secured 2 partnerships with primary schools for our Learn 2 Earn #L2E platform that is currently under development, and we are looking forward to sharing footage of our first donations towards books and learning aids with our community. Join the MOONPIG community today and let's piggyback our way to the top with our lovable astronaut pig, deflationary tokenomics and innovative utility. You won't want to miss out on this epic crypto adventure! πŸŒ•πŸ·πŸš€

Token Details

Token Name

MoonPig Coin

Token Symbol


Token Decimals


Total Supply

100,000,000,000 MOONPIG

Token Address


Do not send $BNB to the token address

Token Distribution

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